Maharashtra: A disturbing video has surfaced on social media showing an elderly man being assaulted by co-passengers on a train in Nashik district, Maharashtra over suspicions that he was carrying beef. The incident, which occurred earlier this week near Igatpuri on the Dhule Express, has sparked outrage after AIMIM MP Imtiaz Jaleel shared the video and condemned the government and police for not taking action against “these forces.”
ये है मोदी जी का नया भारत, ट्रेन में यात्रा कर रहे एक बुज़ुर्ग मुस्लिम को एक पूरी भीड़ घेर कर मार रही है, धर्मसूचक गालियॉं दे रही है और ये सब हो रहा है सरकारी संरक्षण में।
महाराष्ट्र के इगतपुरी के पास का बताया जा रहा ये वीडियो कितना दर्दनाक है, क्या भारत की ट्रेनों में यात्रा अब…— Imran Pratapgarhi (@ShayarImran) August 31, 2024
Incident Details
The altercation reportedly began over a seating dispute, but quickly escalated when the passengers accused the elderly man, Haji Ashraf Munyar, of carrying beef. Munyar, a resident of Jalgaon district, was en route to his daughter’s home in Kalyan when the assault took place. In the video, the elderly man is seen pleading with his attackers, insisting that the meat he was carrying was goat meat, not beef. Despite his pleas, the group continued to beat and threaten him.
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Police Action and Investigation
The Government Railway Police (GRP) in Thane has taken cognizance of the video and registered an FIR against more than five passengers involved in the assault. GRP officials confirmed that several of the assailants have been identified, though no arrests have been made as of yet. The investigation is ongoing, and officials have assured that they are probing the matter.
Political Reactions and Outrage
AIMIM MP Imtiaz Jaleel condemned the incident, calling it part of a worrying trend and urging all secular Indians to unite against such acts. “We just can’t be mute spectators. It’s high time we, all secular Indians, should come together to defeat these forces,” he tweeted. Jaleel expressed frustration with the lack of government action, stating that simply issuing memorandums and expressing anger on social media is no longer enough. He called for a collective response to counteract the rise in such incidents.
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