New Delhi: Police have taken four people into custody for the murder of two minor sisters in Lakhimpur Kheri, Uttar Pradesh. News agency ANI quoted Lakhimpur Kheri Additional SP Arun Kumar Singh as saying that “four accused in the case have been taken into custody. Inquiries are being made.”
Allegations of the mother of the deceased
According to the mother of the deceased, she was sitting outside the house with her two daughters aged 15 years and 17 years. When she went inside the house for a while, 3 youths riding on bikes arrived. Two out of the three men dragged the daughters and made them sit on the bike and fled from the spot. After that the bodies of these two girls were found hanging from the tree.
SP says, bodies will not come back
In a video, SP Sanjeev Suman can be seen saying to the mother of the deceased minors, “You are the victim, I know that. We all are praying for you. But you should say things which are justified. Body will not come, do whatever you want to do. You want to stage a sit-in? You want ignite fire? Listen to me. All those who are giving advise to them carry on. You want to sit here for 40 days, you can. But you should not speak wrongly. I will not accept wrong things. If you will speak with love I will do what is right, bodies will not come.”
'जो करना है कर लो, बॉडीज नहीं आएगी…': यूपी के लखीमपुर खीरी के एसपी का दलित परिवार के प्रति रवैया देखिए…#LakhimpurKheri #JusticeForLakhimpurGirls
— Prateek Gautam (@psgautam) September 15, 2022