Bollywood Actor Aamir Khan and Vishnu Vishal was rescued on Tuesday by Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue services in a boat in Karapakkam, after Cyclone Michaung continues to wreak havoc across Tamil Nadu.
In the pictures shared on social media, Vishnu was seen in a rescue boat along with Aamir Khan. Amir was seen in a white kurta and jeans. Vishnu Vishal’s wife, badminton player Jwala Gutta, was also spotted.
Sharing the pictures on X, formerly known as Twitter Vishnu wrote, “Thanks to the fire and rescue department for helping people like us who are stranded. Rescue operations have started in karapakkam..Saw 3 boats functioning already. Great work by TN govt in such testing times. Thanks to all the administrative people who are working relentlessly.”
Thanks to the fire and rescue department in helping people like us who are stranded
Rescue operations have started in karapakkam..
Saw 3 boats functioning alreadyGreat work by TN govt in such testing times
Thanks to all the administrative people who are working relentlessly
— VISHNU VISHAL – VV (@TheVishnuVishal) December 5, 2023
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Also sharing an update on the scary situation of the surrounding areas, Vishnu wrote: “Our water is continuously rising from morning… It was below the entrance steps… Then started entering the house and it has slowly taken over the first floors of the entire community…Thats why we got worried… It’s not going down…”
Responding to Vishnu’s update about the rescue operation along with Aamir Khan, Minister of Industries, TRB Rajaa took to X and praised the Bollywood actor. He wrote: “Thanks for the appreciation @TheVishnuVishal and please do thank the gentleman next to you for being such a class human being! Astounding that he didn’t try to pull any strings to be rescued! Awesome to see him being so grounded and WAITING HIS TURN to be rescued just like any of our fellow citizens. Lessons for those who try to pull strings and drop names! Hats off to people like Thiru Khan for being sensitive to the scale of the issue at hand and patiently await their turn (folded hands emoticon) We will continue to stick to our Rescue Schedule.”
Thanks for the appreciation @TheVishnuVishal and please do thank the gentleman next to you for being such a class human being ! Astounding that he didn’t try to pull any strings to be rescued ! Awesome to see him being so grounded and WAITING HIS TURN to be rescued just like any…
— Dr. T R B Rajaa (@TRBRajaa) December 5, 2023
Tamil Nadu is receiving heavy rainfalls in several districts including Chennai, Kancheepura, Nagapattinam, Cuddalore, Chengalpattu, and Thiruvallur districts. Several photos and videos of the destruction, due to rain, are doing rounds on the internet.