Not Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh but his son Karan Bhushan Singh has bagged the BJP ticket from the Kaiserganj constituency in Uttar Pradesh. He will be filing his nomination on Friday, May 3 at 11:00 hours in the morning. The Lok Sabha elections on this seat are scheduled for the fifth phase, and May 3 is the last day to file the nomination form.
News Alert ! LS polls: Incumbent MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh’s son Karan Bhushan Singh named BJP’s candidate from Kaiserganj. #LokSabhaElections2024 #LSPolls2024WithPTI
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) May 2, 2024
Kaiserganj constituency was in the talks after Brij Bhushan Singh hit headlines in 2023 for being accused of sexual harassment by the top wrestlers of India. The accusation snatched his presidency of the Wrestlers Federation of India and a strong protest by the top Indian sportspersons.
Speculations have been doing rounds since then on Brij Bhushan Singh losing the candidacy for the upcoming elections. The former WFI president has a stronghold in the constituency and had earlier claimed to win the seat even if he contests as an independent candidate.
Considering the mathematics, the BJP decided to plant junior Singh (Karan Bhushan Singh) on the seat. Karan is assumed to have the mandate for being the son and an outcome of an ‘ethical’ step of his father’s removal.
Also read: Lok Sabha 2024: BJP’s Masterstroke! Announces Candidate For Raebareli
Brij Bhushan Singh in his recent interaction with the media had said that the preparations are on and even if the BJP announces the candidate an hour before the nomination time ends, they are definitely going to win, just the announcement of the candidate is awaited.