Canine lovers go to any extent for their passion for the pet and when it comes to a unique breed, then money hardly matters to them. A Bengaluru-based breeder has spent a massive sum to obtain a cross between a wolf and a dog.
The Sun reported that one, S Sathish, spent 4.4 million pounds (approximately Rs 50 crore) for “wolfdog”. The breed is a cross between a wolf and a Caucasian Shepherd. Sathish bought it in February. The wolf dog’s name is Cadaboms Okami.
Okami‘s features are also distinct from those of any other canine. At eight months old, Okami weighs over 75 kilograms. It eats three kilograms of raw meat.
The Caucasian Shepherd is described as a powerful canine with fur. The dog is bred to protect the livestock by their masters. The dog originates from the Caucasus mountains.
Sathish told the Sun that it is a rare breed and has never been sold before in the world. The wolfdog has become a charm among dog lovers as it has attended several events with its master, Sathish.