Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, currently in Enforcement Directorate (ED) custody until March 28, has filed a plea in the Rouse Avenue Court requesting the removal of Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) AK Singh from his security detail. Kejriwal alleges misconduct by the officer during his appearance for the hearing in the liquor policy case, according to sources.
Sources indicated that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief claimed he was mistreated by AK Singh while being escorted to the court for a hearing earlier in the day.
Kejriwal was brought before the court around 2 pm amidst heightened security measures in and around the court premises. The 55-year-old, who transitioned from activism to politics, was arrested by the probe agency on Thursday night under anti-money laundering laws from his official residence in the Civil Lines area of Delhi.
This incident isn’t the first alleged instance of misconduct by the officer. Previously, a written complaint had been lodged regarding a similar incident involving Kejriwal’s former deputy, Manish Sisodia, who is also detained in connection with the liquor policy case. Sisodia has been incarcerated for over a year now.
Also Read: Arvind Kejriwal Withdraws Petition Against Arrest In Supreme Court
Special Judge Kaveri Baweja granted the Enforcement Directorate a 6-day custody of Arvind Kejriwal and instructed the probe agency to present him before the court by 2 pm on March 28 for further proceedings regarding the remand.
During the hearing, the probe agency has also been directed to provide an update on the progress of the investigation and outline future steps.
The court further directed the probe agency to conduct the questioning of the Delhi Chief Minister under CCTV surveillance, ensuring that the footage of the interrogation is preserved for future reference.
Additionally, Kejriwal has been granted permission to meet with his lawyers on a daily basis between 6 pm and 7 pm for the duration of his remand in the probe agency’s custody. Furthermore, he has been allowed to meet his wife, Sunita Kejriwal, and Private Secretary Vibhav Kumar for half an hour each day.
Written By
Aniket Raj
Mar 23, 2024 09:08