Sahil Khan, a well-known actor and influencer, was arrested by the Mumbai Police in connection to the Mahadev betting app case. His request for pre-arrest bail was denied by the Bombay High Court, leading to his apprehension by the Mumbai cyber cell’s Special Investigating Team (SIT) in Chhattisgarh.
Mumbai Crime Branch’s SIT detained actor Sahil Khan in connection with the Mahadev Betting App case. He has been detained in Chhattisgarh and is being brought to Mumbai: Mumbai Police Sources
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— ANI (@ANI) April 28, 2024
Previously, Sahil and three others were summoned for questioning by the SIT in December 2023, but Sahil failed to appear. He asserted that he was merely a brand promoter under contract with M/s. Isports247, promoting The Lion Book brand, and denied any direct involvement with the betting platform. However, the police alleged that he was a co-owner of the app. Sahil is being transported to Mumbai from Raipur. According to authorities, he was a partner in Lotus App 247 and is scheduled to be presented before the court later today.
Sahil clarified that he had a contractual agreement spanning 24 months, receiving a monthly compensation of 3 lakhs for promoting videos on his social media platforms. However, despite this explanation, his bail plea was rejected by the court, which pointed to his direct participation in the unlawful activities. Sahil, recognized for his roles in films like ‘Style’ and ‘Excuse Me,’ has shifted his focus to fitness and is the founder of Divine Nutrition, a company specializing in fitness supplements.
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In 2023, reports surfaced that the crime branch, investigating the Mahadev betting app case, summoned Sahil Khan and three others to provide their statements on December 15. Despite this, Khan failed to comply with the police’s request for investigation and remained active on social media during that time. He even shared a picture of himself lounging in a pool with the caption, “Good morning, Jumma Mubarak.” This action garnered attention and criticism as it appeared that he disregarded the police summons.
Reports suggest that authorities stated Sahil Khan, known as a fitness expert and YouTuber, organized celebrity events with the alleged purpose of promoting the app and attracting more users. The case, currently under investigation by the Enforcement Directorate, has also led to scrutiny of other Bollywood actors amid a broader crackdown on various betting and gaming platforms by multiple agencies.
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