New Delhi: Actor Kamal Haasan on Saturday joined Rahul Gandhi-led Bharat Jodo Yatra. The Yatra reached Delhi on Saturday. Earlier in the day, Sonia Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi also joined the march. During the yatra, Rahul also visited Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia Dargah.
Actor Kamal Hassan joins 'Bharat Jodo Yatra' as it marches ahead in the national capital Delhi.
— ANI (@ANI) December 24, 2022
“Artist is a medium through which society is portrayed on screen, there is no separation between the two, superstar Kamal Hassan proves it yet again as he joins the #BharatJodoYatra in Delhi,” wrote the official Twitter handle of Indian Youth Congress with visuals of the crowd.
Artist is a medium through which society is portrayed on screen, there is no separation between the two, superstar Kamal Hassan proves it yet again as he joins the #BharatJodoYatra in Delhi.
— Indian Youth Congress (@IYC) December 24, 2022
Thousands joined Congress’s Bharat Jodo Yatra today. Several party leaders including Jairam Ramesh, Pawan Khera, Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Selja Kumari and Randeep Surjewala were seen marching with Rahul.
Later, former Congress president Sonia Gandhi and party general secretary Priyanka Gandhi also joined the march. This is the second time that Sonia Gandhi has joined the yatra. In October, she participated in the mega foot march of the Congress in Karnataka.
Travel from Faridabad to Delhi
The yatra entered Delhi from Faridabad in Haryana. Delhi unit chief Anil Chowdhary received Gandhi and the yatris at the Delhi border at Badarpur and Congress MLA Jitu Patwari also joined the yatra.