Poonam Pandey, the actor and model, claimed her reported death was a stunt to raise awareness for cervical cancer. Despite her insistence on its serious purpose, there are signs suggesting otherwise. Pandey, known for her work in erotica, was initially declared dead on her Instagram, but later revealed she was alive and directed followers to her new website, www.poonampandeyisalive.com, supposedly dedicated to fighting “#DeathToCervicalCancer.”
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Poonam Pandey associated her campaign with a cervical cancer vaccination program announced by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. However, a scrutiny of the domain registration records shows that the website, www.poonampandeyisalive.com, was registered on July 18, 2023. This suggests that the planning for the death hoax might have been underway for months, and it may not be directly tied to cervical cancer as she claimed.
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An examination of numerous social media posts indicates that Poonam Pandey, whose acting career has faced challenges even 11 years after her Bollywood debut with the film Nasha, has not discussed health topics, including cervical cancer, in the past year. This observation raises questions about the authenticity of her recent death hoax, which she claims was intended to raise awareness for cervical cancer.
Furthermore, the hastily assembled or modified nature of the website is evident. For instance, the ‘Survivor Stories’ section includes a testimonial from Delhi’s Sangeeta Gupta, where the contents seem to be directly copied from a document of the American Cancer Society, lacking original contributions.
Typically, websites dedicated to specific causes include relevant keywords in their URLs for better identification, broader audience reach, and preferential ranking on search engines. However, in this case, the website’s URL focuses on Pandey’s existence rather than cervical cancer.
Interestingly, during this episode, the actor gained over 1 lakh followers on her Instagram, reaching 1.3 million by Saturday. This suggests a significant increase in her social media following amid the controversy.
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