Vinay Singh, owner of the acclaimed music label TopShotLife, will release a new song called Udaan on August 11th. The song is sung by Udit Saxena, and the video stars Aditya Bhadoria, Komdhi Rajput, and Udit Saxena.
Udaan is a motivational song that encourages us to support children’s education and sports so that they might realize their ambitions and fly in the broad sky.
Vinay Singh is the proprietor of the music label TopShotLife, as well as the Event and Mega Concert Company in the United States.
Aditya Bhadoria, a dynamic actor, has appeared in numerous music videos. In Udaan, he displayed his best acting abilities. Singer Udit Saxena, who has appeared in numerous music videos as a singer, also appears in the video.
Komdhi Rajput was an army school teacher, therefore when the song called for a scene in which the instructor is educating youngsters, the music business decided who better to cast than a real-life teacher.
The Udaan song was shot on location in Chandigarh. TopShotLife has released approximately 30 tracks that have proven popular.