Veteran Telugu actor Mohan Babu has filed a police complaint against his son Manchu Manoj and daughter-in-law Monika, alleging that they have threatened him and causing disturbances at his residence. In his complaint to the police, Mohan Babu claimed that Manoj, along with some anti-social elements employed by him, caused a disturbance at his house, ‘Manchu Town’ in Jalpally, Rangareddy district on Sunday.
The actor expressed fears for his safety and that of his valuables and property, stating that the individuals are reportedly waiting for him to return home with the intention to harm him and create an atmosphere of fear to force him out of his residence permanently. “I fear for my safety, my valuables, and my property,” Mohan Babu said in the complaint. He also noted that these anti-social elements are threatening others present at his home, including staff and family members.
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Mohan Babu demanded legal action against Manoj, Monika, and their associates, and requested the police to evict them from his property. He also urged the authorities to provide him with adequate protection to ensure his safety and allow him to access his home without fear.
Earlier reports indicated that Manoj Manchu had visited the police station, claiming to have been attacked by his father. The matter has now been brought to the attention of the local authorities, who are investigating the allegations. The case highlights ongoing tensions between Mohan Babu and his son, which appear to have escalated into a legal dispute.
The next hearing in the case is scheduled for a later date.