New Delhi: Prakash Kumar, also known as Puneet Superstar, was evicted from the Bigg Boss house in an unprecedented move barely hours after the show’s start. His unapologetic actions was the first eviction of its kind in the show’s history. He was caught wasting toiletries in the bathroom, which was captured on live-feed cameras.
Puneet Superstar gets eliminated due to his conduct
Puneet remained defiant despite the request for everyone to congregate in the living room. He made bold assertions, professing his disdain for Bigg Boss and claiming that he was the one driving the show’s ratings. Bigg Boss chastised Puneet for causing damage to the property and warned him that his actions could lead to his eviction from the house.
Even after being cautioned, Puneet refused to apologise for his actions. He even stated that Bigg Boss’ choice to fire him will not worry him in the least. Puneet was captured live saying, “Tumhe rakhna hai rakho, nahi rakhna hai mat rakho. TRP tum logo ko mil rahi hai, mujhe nahi mil rahi hain,” which loosely translates to, “Keep me if you want; don’t keep me if you don’t want to. You’re getting TRP, I’m not.”
Puneet’s constant raving irritated his housemates. They attempted to make Puneet understand and apologise for his conduct, but he remained bitter of Bigg Boss. His unhappiness resulted from his ranking slipping from second to eleventh, as determined by the panellists, resulting in a decrease in his BB money. As a result, he couldn’t afford to purchase a bed for himself in the house.