Shaakuntalam trailer launch: Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s forthcoming mythological film Shaakuntalam is nearing completion. The trailer was launched today in all South Indian languages including Hindi, with a huge launch event in Hyderabad. The actress attended the occasion and became upset while giving a moving speech. Samantha became tearful when she took the stage to speak, but she was also grateful to her fans and the reception to the trailer.
Samantha began her speech by asking her audience whether they liked the trailer. “We have been waiting for this moment this very long time. Very soon, Shaakuntalam movie will be releasing and today trailer launch. We are very happy with your response. And today, I took so much strength that I should definitely come here. I fixed to come here for the respect and admiration towards director Gunasekhar. For some people, cinema is just a part of life but for Gunasekhar sir cinema is only his life. He takes out every cinema with his life. He took out Shaakuntalam with all his life and hard work too. I hope to see your love and appreciation after the trailer launch and that’s why I came here, the actress said in her speech.”
Watch Samantha’s speech at Shaakuntalam trailer launch
She further said, “when we hear the narration, every actor hopes it comes the best but sometimes some magic happens that goes beyond our imagination and after I watched Shaakuntalam, that’s how I felt. It’s so much more than what I expected. I fell at Gunasekhar’s feet and said so so thank you sir. And in life how many ever struggles I may face, one thing never changes that is how much I love cinema and how much cinema loves me back. With Shaakuntalam, I believe that your love for me will increase.”
Also Read: Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s Shaakuntalam trailer to release on THIS date; deets here
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