Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is set to be discharged from Lilavati Hospital today, January 21, according to recent reports. The actor, who was admitted on January 16 following a violent robbery attempt at his Bandra residence, is now stable and recovering from several injuries, including one near his thoracic spine.
Confirmation Of Discharge
Dr. Nitin Dange from Lilavati Hospital confirmed that Saif Ali Khan’s discharge paperwork was completed last night. Sources revealed that the actor is expected to leave the hospital between 10 AM and noon today. Although Saif was initially expected to be discharged on Monday, doctors decided to keep him under observation for a few more days as a precaution.
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan Stabbing Case: Accused’s Lawyer Makes SHOCKING Claims! Says ‘It Is A Wrong…‘
Saif Ali Khan was attacked during a robbery attempt at his home, Satguru Sharan, in Mumbai’s Pali Hill. The assailant reportedly entered the room of Saif’s son, Jeh, and demanded a ransom of Rs 1 crore. In an effort to protect his family, Saif tried to fight off the burglar, which led to him being stabbed six times. One of the injuries, including a 2.5-inch blade, was found near his back after a six-hour surgery.
Assailant Arrested And Investigation Ongoing
The assailant has been identified as Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, a Bangladeshi immigrant who had entered India illegally under the alias Bijoy Das. He was arrested two days after the attack and is currently in police custody. Police reports indicate that his fingerprints were recently recovered from the scene, and forensic teams have been conducting investigations at the actor’s residence.
The police, along with the crime branch, are continuing their investigation into the robbery attempt.