Saif Ali Khan Health Update: The news of Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan being stabbed by an unknown intruder at his home sent shock waves to his family, fans and well wishers. The actor was admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai and the doctors have issued an official statement regarding his health. Dr Nitin Narayan Dange revealed that Saif is doing ‘excellent’ and has been shifted to a special room from the ICU.
Dr Nitin Dange, Chief Neurosurgeon at Lilavati Hospital Mumbai, told the media, “Saif Ali Khan is better now. We made him walk, and he walked well. Looking at his parameters, his wounds and all the other injuries, he is safe to be shifted out of the ICU. He has to take several precautions. He has to take rest and his movement has been restricted for a week.”
Calling the actor ‘hero’, Niraj Uttamani, Chief Operating Officer of Lilavati Hospital, added, “Saif Ali Khan is a real hero. He is doing well. He has been shifted from ICU to a normal room.”
He is very fortunate. If a knife was 2 mm deeper, he would have sustained a serious injury,” he revealed.
About The Stabbing Incident:
Meanwhile, Saif Ali Khan’s attacker has been detained by the police, a day after the actor was stabbed multiple times during a violent confrontation at his Bandra residence. The incident happened on Thursday morning when an intruder attempted to break into Saif and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s home, resulting in a violent altercation.
The actor was awakened by the sounds of a confrontation between his servant and an intruder who had entered their home. The intruder attempted a break-in but was confronted by Saif’s servant. The ‘Omkara’ star was injured during the scuffle and sustained six stab wounds. Two of these injuries were deep, with one wound close to his spine.