Indian actor Farhan Akhtar and his wife, Shibani Dandekar, recently sparked rumours about expecting their first child. The couple got married in a small ceremony in 2022, and after three years together, fans were excited about the possibility of a baby. However, in a recent interview, Farhan’s stepmother, Shabana Azmi, spoke out and denied these pregnancy claims, putting the rumours to rest.
While talking to ETimes, Shabana Azmi revealed information about these pregnancy rumours and said, “There’s no truth to it.” Rumours started to swirl after a media report got fans buzzing about the idea that the couple might be expecting a baby. However, Shabana has clarified the situation and put the speculation to an end.
On the work front
Farhan Akhtar is busy preparing for his next movie, 120 Bahadur, where he will play the role of Major Shaitan Singh, a hero from the Battle of Rezang La. An important event in Indian history. The release date for this film has not yet been announced. In addition to acting, Farhan is also set to direct the third instalment of the popular Don series, featuring Ranveer Singh and Kiara Advani. Rumours suggest that Priyanka Chopra might return to Bollywood in this movie, which has fans excited.
Birthday Party
Farah Khan recently celebrated her birthday alongside her brother, Farhan, at his home in Mumbai. She posted a fun video showing the moment he opened a birthday gift from her. As he unwrapped the present, he couldn’t help but laugh when he discovered it was a DVD of the classic film “Kranti,” released in 1981. The video highlights Farhan’s playful spirit as he starts singing the movie’s famous theme song. Farah shared this cheerful moment with the caption: “What do you gift your little brother who has everything? A piece of our childhood, of course! Happy birthday, @faroutakhtar #capri9. Keep the kranti going! #favouritefilm.”
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