Bollywood actor Poonam Dhillon is making headlines after a robbery at her Khar West residence. The thief appears to have been part of a painting crew that had worked at her house during the festive season. Although Poonam primarily resides in Juhu with her son, Anmol, she occasionally stays at her Khar home, where the theft occurred. Fortunately, authorities have arrested a suspect in connection with the incident.
On January 6, the Khar police took custody of a 37-year-old man named Sameer Ansari, accused of stealing valuable items from Poonam Dhillon’s home. The stolen items include a diamond earring worth approximately ₹1 lakh, ₹35,000 in cash, and 500 US dollars. Ansari worked as part of the painting team at the actress’s house between December 28 and January 5. He allegedly took advantage of an unlocked cupboard where the valuables were kept.
Ansari reportedly used some of the stolen money to spend ₹9,000 on a party for his coworkers. The theft came to light when Anmol returned from Dubai on January 5 and noticed that certain items were missing. He informed his mother, and after speaking with the household staff, the actress’s manager decided to file a police complaint. During the investigation, the painting team was questioned, and Ansari confessed to the theft, leading to his arrest.
On the work front
Poonam Dhillon was last seen in the movie ‘Jai Mummy Di’, where she starred alongside Sonnalli Seygall and Sunny Singh. Over the years, she has appeared in many popular films, including ‘Samundar’, ‘Dard’, ‘Pathar Ke Insan’, ‘Teri Meherbaniyan’, ‘Jai Shiv Shankar’, ‘Ramaiya Vastavaiya’, ‘Batwara’, ‘Karma’, and ‘Naam.’ This impressive work has made her a well-known and talented actress in Bollywood. In 2021, she also ventured into the world of online streaming, making her debut in the Disney+ Hotstar series “Dil Bekaraar.”