New Delhi: Ekta Kapoor, was photographed on Saturday, January 7, when she entered the home of the actress Ridhi Dogra. She was there to wish her luck with her new endeavour. Several paparazzi accounts posted her images and videos to Instagram. She was attacked for her “poor fashion sense” because of her outfit, which attracted the attention of online users.
The producer and director, was seen on Saturday, January 7, in and around Mumbai when she went to the home of the actress Ridhi Dogra to congratulate her on her new project. She can be seen getting out of her car and posing for the paparazzi outside the venue in the paparazzo’s video that was uploaded to social media. Ekta was spotted wearing a black and brown satin outfit along with barely-there makeup.
Ekta Kapoor trolled brutally by Netizens
The internet community slammed Ekta Kapoor’s outfit choice, calling it “worst.” Many even criticised her for her fashion style and made comparisons to Urfi.
Ekta Kapoor has recently been in the news for facing criticism for displaying explicit content on ALT Balaji. The SC pointed out programmes, including Gandii Baat, XXX, Bekaaboo, and Ragini MMS 2, and the jury found that Kapoor is “polluting young minds.”
Ekta made the decision to break her silence by taking a subtle dig at it. Ekta uploaded a story on Instagram with the hashtag “Hypocracy” that reads, “Tum karo toh Lust Stories aur hum kare toh Gandi Baat.”
Also Read: Dream Girl 2: Ekta Kapoor prepones Ayushmann Khurrana starrer, Here’s why
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