New Delhi: South superstar Mohanlal will headline Vrushabha, a magnum opus spread across lifetimes. High on emotions, the film revolves around the conflict between 2 emotions that run the world – Love vs Revenge. Shot in Malyalam and Telugu, the multilingual film will also be dubbed in Tamil, Kannada and Hindi. The film is a high-octane father son drama, with megastar Mohanlal essaying the role of the Father. A big Telugu star is likely to play the part of the son and the same will be announced over the next couple of months.
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Said Abhishek Vyas, Founder, AVS Studios, “In an industry which is focused on drawing up film projects on excel sheets, AVS Studios is here primarily to back the best of scripts and writing talent. I am excited to work with the one and only megastar Mohanlal, an actor whom I have always admired! We have a solid script in place and are confident that we’ll give the audience a truly entertaining experience with Vrushabha”
I’m excited to have signed in for “Vrushabha,” the first movie from AVS Studios, directed by Nanda Kishore and produced by Abhishek Vyas, Praveer Singh, and Shyam Sunder. This multilingual movie is filled with action and emotion, and I seek all your support and blessings.
— Mohanlal (@Mohanlal) August 27, 2022
Megastar Mohanlal was quoted as saying, “The moment I heard the script, I was hooked onto the idea of Vrushabha. It’s a riveting father son high energy drama which spans across lifetimes. I am impressed with Nanda Kishore’s vision and delighted to partner with AVS Studios on this first film together.”
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Director Nanda Kishore mentioned, “At the heart of every good film is characters which connect with you and stay with you for years after ever you have seen the film. I have been writing VRUSHABHA for the last 5 years. It’s a dream come true to work with Mohanlal Sir and I am excited to take the movie to the floors”
Vrushabha is a AVS Studios Presentation in association with Shyam Sunder’s First Step Movies. Directed by Nanda Kishore and Produced by Abhishek Vyas, Praveer Singh and Shyam Sunder, the film is scheduled to go on floors in May 2023, and expected to release in early 2024 in over 3000 cinemas worldwide.