Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Moana 2, featuring Auli’i Cravalho and Dwayne Johnson as Moana and Maui, respectively, has seen a notable dip in collections at the Indian box office during its first week. However, it has managed a stronghold internationally. The animated sequel gathered a remarkable USD 389 million globally in its opening weekend, but it struggled to maintain momentum in India, earning Rs 13 crore overall in seven days.
Sharp Decline in Per-Day Collections in India
The film recorded its highest collections on Sunday, Dec 1, 2024, with Rs 4.25 crore, but saw a sharp drop to just Rs. 35 lakhs on Day 7, Thursday. The major reason for the dip was release of Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2: The Rule, which took 90% of the screens. The film opened strongly, earning Rs. 175 crores, leaving little room for other new releases to perform. It is also expected to further affect Moana 2’s box office performance in its second week and beyond.
The day-wise collections are as follows:
- Day 1 (Friday): Rs 2 crore
- Day 2 (Saturday): Rs 3.5 crore
- Day 3 (Sunday): Rs 4.25 crore
- Day 4 (Monday): Rs 1 crore
- Day 5 (Tuesday): Rs 1 crore
- Day 6 (Wednesday): Rs 90 lakh
- Day 7 (Thursday): Rs 35 lakh
International Box Office Victory
Internationally, Moana 2 continues to dominate, surpassing the opening weekend figures of Frozen 2, i.e. USD 358.2 million. The film is expected to cross the billion-dollar mark by the end of its run, setting its position as one of the most successful animated films.
Directed by David Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, and Dana Ledoux Miller, Moana 2 is the sequel to the 2018 blockbuster Moana. It continues the journey of the brave voyager Moana, as she embarks on a new search to save her people, joined by the Maui.
Here’s The Trailer:
Packed with breathtaking visuals, heartfelt storytelling, and a soulful soundtrack, the film has resonated well with audiences worldwide.