Dileep Shankar, popular Malayalam actor, was found dead in a hotel at Thiruvananthapuram’s Vanross Junction. The actor had reportedly not left his room for two days and a foul smell sparked concern. According to News9live, his co-stars tried to contact him but couldn’t reach him.
The cause of his death is unknown and more details will be disclosed after after the post-mortem report.
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Actress Seema G Nair wrote a heartfelt note on Facebook after the shocking demise of Dileep. She wrote, “Condolences. You called me five days back, but I couldnt talk to you well then. Now, a journalist called up and informed me. What happened to you Dileep. I am unable to write anything. Condolences.”
On the work front, Dileep has been a well known face in Malayalam cinema. He has worked in projects like ‘Chaappa Kurish’, ‘North 24 Kaatham’, ‘Ammaariyathe’, ‘Sundari’, and ‘Panchagni’.