New Delhi: Actor Ishaan Khattar is gearing up for his upcoming horror-comedy Phone Bhoot. The film will also feature Katrina Kaif and Siddhant Chaturvedi in the lead. Also, the Phone Bhoot trio is all set to grace the tenth episode of Koffee With Karan 7.
Now taking to the photo-sharing app, Ishaan dropped a behind-the-scene picture of him, Katrina, and Siddhant from the sets of the celeb chat show hosted by Karan Johar.
Sharing the picture, Ishaan wrote, “☝🏼 se badhkar ✌🏼,✌🏼 se badhkar 🤟🏼Tri us ☎️👻#koffeewithkaranseason7 Thurs 8th Sept.”
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See Ishaan Khattar’s post here
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In the picture Katrina can be seen donning a white and black striped asymmetric shirt dress. The actress left her hair open and wore hoops. On the other hand, Ishaan sported an all-white look as he wore a white printed shirt paired with white pants. While Siddhant looked dapper in an all-black look as he was seen wearing a black leather jacket paired with a black shirt and black pants.
Marking the season’s first trio, the three turn up the heat as they discuss bromance, love interests, and the concept of suhaag raat. Chronicling fun with a side serving of charisma, the trio captures hearts and laughter with panache.
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About Phone Bhoot
Apart from the trio, Phone Bhoot also stars Jackie Shroff, Sheeba Chaddha, Nidhi Bisht and Surender Thakur. The film is directed by Gurmmeet Singh and written by Ravi Shankaran and Jasvinder Singh Bath. Phone Bhoot is bankrolled by Excell Entertainment, which is headed by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar. The film is all set to be released on 4th November 2022.
Koffee With Karan Season 7 will be available to all platform subscribers. For fans in the U.S., Koffee with Karan Season 7 will stream exclusively on Hulu.
Stream Hotstar Specials’ Koffee with Karan Season 7 (before they turn into headlines) every Thursday at 12 am exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar.