New Delhi: Khushi Kapoor has been sharing snippets from her fashion diary. Khushi Kapoor, the daughter of Boney Kapoor and the sister of Bollywood actor Janhvi Kapoor, has recently become popular for her fashion sense. Khushi will make her Bollywood debut in Zoya Akhtar’s film The Archies. Her fashion sense has recently become the talk of the town. Khushi has been ruling the fashion game, whether it’s in a sultry outfit or cutting a perfect silhouette in a casual ensemble. This time round, Khushi is making everyone turn their heads with her new photoshoot.
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Khushi, on Thursday, took everyone’s breath away with a slew of pictures of herself looking oh-so-glam in a black ensemble a day ago. Khushi posed for the cameras in a sultry black gown, cutting a perfect silhouette. She turned muse for the fashion designer house Monot. Khushi wore a cropped slip satin top with cut details at the waist and neckline. It was paired with a bodycon black satin skirt with midriff and navel baring details and a back knot. Khushi completed her look for the day with a golden bracelet from The Jewel Factor’s shelves on her left arm. Take a look below:
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Khushi’s Instagram post quickly received likes and comments from her friends, family, and fans. Archies Suhana Khan, Khushi’s friend and co-star in the upcoming film, commented, “Amazing,” and added a heart-eyed emoticon. Karisma Kapoor also left a comment with a black heart emoticon, and Maheep Kapoor commented with a fire emoticon, “Stunning.” Deepika Padukone made the best comment, writing, “Uff,” with a heart-eyed emoticon.
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Khushi Kapoor’s sister Janhvi Kapoor also shared her poster on her Instagram stories and wrote, “Is she real?”.
On the work front, Suhana Khan recently wrapped up Ooty schedule of the film.
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