New Delhi: After his Mani Ratnam-directed movie Ponniyin Selvan proceeded to break box office records on its second day, actor Karthi sent an emotional letter about it. In the historical drama, Karthi, who plays the part of Vanthiyethavan, honoured Mani Ratnam and Kalki, the works’ original author. He lavished praise and thanks on the film’s production team for creating a visual spectacle.
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Karthi wrote, “Words cannot express the immense gratitude I feel for this experience and magnificent journey as Vanthiyethavan. First and foremost, a big salute and all respects to Amarar Kalki for creating this magical epic, Ponniyin Selvan. A million thanks to our Mani sir for pursuing it all these years and crafting this unforgettable masterpiece. To Ravivarman sir, for being the driving force on sets and giving us never seen before stunning visuals. To our treasure, AR Rahman for making us ecstatic with his music.”
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Karthi also expressed gratitude to the “great performers and respected elders” as well as the “foot soldiers behind the scenes” who supported their love of film. He thanked his friends and admirers for “showering them with love” as he concluded the letter. Receiving all of your love is overwhelming, he wrote.
Ponniyin Selvan is a fictional story set during the Chola reign. It chronicles the turbulence in the dynasty and the warring kingdoms. The film, which stars Vikram, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Jayam Ravi and Trisha, among others, has enjoyed a terrific first week and according to estimates, has crossed Rs 100 crore worldwide as well. The film has been divided into two parts and the second part will release in 2023.