New Delhi: Popular Korean musician Aoora whose version of Bappi Lahiri’s iconic tune ‘Jimmy Jimmy’ went viral recently, sent over 500 delirious fans in a frenzy when he invited emerging star Arjun Tanwar on stage during a Disco K-pop style mini-concert in Mumbai. Arjun who recently created a sensation as Jimmy in Carvaan Live’s latest hit ‘Disco Dancer- The Musical’ mesmerized audiences once again with his acting, singing, dancing and undeniable charisma. Following the success of the Aoora’s K-pop version of ‘Jimmy Jimmy’ , a new generation of listeners has taken to the melody in a big way and as Arjun jived to its beats, the audience burst into loud cheers.
Says Aoora, “Arjun is an amazing dancer and what a fantastic moment it was when he joined me on stage and moved like only he can to ‘Jimmy Jimmy’! He truly embodies the soul of ‘Disco Dancer’ and is the kind of talent that can wow audiences not just in India but all over the world!”
A trained dancer and singer who also has a diploma in acting from the Jeff Goldberg Studio, Arjun was the perfect choice to play Jimmy in ‘Disco Dancer – The Musical’, a stage adaptation of Mithun Chakraborty’s 1982 starrer. He garnered immense praise for his portrayal and with irresistible charm and energy, brought to life the inspiring journey of a street dancer Jimmy who transforms into a renowned Disco Dancer against all odds.
He says, “It was a privilege to be a part of ‘Disco Dancer- The Musical’ and play a role that has been immortalised by Mithun da. And I was equally thrilled to share the stage with Aoora and dance to his absolutely addictive version of ‘Jimmy Jimmy’!”