New Delhi: Janhvi Kapoor, who attracted attention at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Culture Centre on Saturday, was sighted with her rumoured beau Shikhar Pahariya on Monday at the Tirupati temple in Tirumala. Today is Shikhar’s birthday, and it is said that the pair visited a temple to ask for blessings on the important day. Their followers can’t stop gushing about the video after it was uploaded on social media.
Janhvi Kapoor visits Tirupati with rumoured boyfriend on his birthday
#WATCH | Andhra Pradesh: Actor Janhvi Kapoor visited Tirupati Balaji Temple, Tirumala.
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The two have reportedly been dating for some time according to numerous media sources. Shikhar was previously seen attending the Nita Mukesh Ambani Culture Center opening in Mumbai on March 31 with Janhvi’s father, producer Boney Kapoor. Shikhar and Janhvi frequently appear together in paparazzi pictures and videos, despite the fact that they haven’t confirmed their relationship.
In the video the actress was seen dressed in a pink and green lehenga, while Shikar was seen wearing a white dhoti and silk stole. The two were also accompanied by Janhvi’s sister, Khushi.
Meanwhile, Khushi posted a photo of herself and Shikhar on her Instagram story to wish him a happy birthday. She posted a photo from the NMACC event along with the message “Happy birthday” and a white heart emoji. In their stylish outfits, the pair is just gorgeous.
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