Indian actor and bodybuilder Thakur Anoop Singh is basking on the success of his recently released film Chhatrapati Sambhaji, for which he was also recently awarded. Anoop received ‘Gaurav of Cinema’ at the Global Film Festival Noida from the government of India.
Post the event, News 24 sat with the rising star to talk exclusively about his experience working in the film, which is based on the life of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj. Interestingly, Vicky Kaushal’s upcoming movie Chhaava also shares the same plot and depicts the story of the same Maratha ruler.
Anoop Singh on Chhaava
Talking about the similarities between Chhaava and Chhatrapati Sambhaji, Anoop said, “Character is one, but actors are two. I became an admirer of Vicky Kaushal after I saw his films ‘URI’ and ‘Sam Bahadur’. When I got to know that he is also playing Chattrapati Sambhaji’s role on the big screen, I was very happy for him. He is a ‘khatarnak’ actor, and I am excited to see his version of Sambhaji Maharaj ji.”
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But no matter how similar the story and characters of the two films are, Anoop points out the huge differences. “The biggest difference is in the budget and scale; his film is made on a whopping budget of approximately 170 crores and is a proper Bollywood film. Whereas ours is made on a comparatively low budget but has well-researched facts. That has been the film’s main focus, and we kept it in mind throughout the film’s making,” he shares and goes on to add, “2 to 3 historians came on board with us for the shoot, including famous historian Raj Memane, who has studied this topic for over 15 years. Another difference is of the actor; he (Vicky Kaushal) is a star and a senior actor to me.”
He continues, “Having said that, no matter who plays the role, I am happy that the unsung warriors are now gaining attention and recognition from youngsters, and their contribution is being honoured. So, no matter who acts in the films, we are all winners here.”
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