New Delhi: Kangana Ranaut starrer ‘Emergency’ has piqued the curiosity for the film among viewers from the moment Emergency’s first look hit the airwaves. Kangana, who is also donning the director’s hat for the film slayed with her uncanny resemblance to the former PM Indira Gandhi and received praise for her nuanced performance. While Kangana plays Mrs Gandhi, actor Anupam Kher, the revolutionary leader J P Narayan, the makers have now revealed that actor Shreyas Talpade will be essaying the important role of late politician Atal Bihari Vajpayee who has served three terms as the country’s Prime Minister.
Talking about the actor joining the cast of the film, Kangana Ranaut says, “He plays Atal Bihari Vajpayee who was a young and upcoming leader when Mrs Gandhi became the Prime Minister for the first time. He was one of the heroes of the Emergency. We are fortunate to have him on board as he is a versatile actor. I personally feel that, his performance in the role of Atal Bihari Vajpayee will be one of the most memorable. We are lucky to have got a powerful performer like him to play this important role.”
See Shreya Talpade’s first look as Atal Bihari Vajpayee
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Shreyas Talpade adds, “Atal ji is one of the most revered, intelligent, learned, influential and also one of the most loved leaders of India as well as across the world.”
He added, “To portray him on screen is not only a big privilege but also a huge honour and definitely a bigger responsibility. I hope I live up to everybody’s expectations. I am trying my best to portray the part. Kangana ma’am is one of the most versatile and finest actresses in the country. She has proved it time and again. But to see her direct a film first hand and to experience that magic first hand is simply outstanding. She is a fantastic and magnificent director who is extremely clear in her vision and is completely sorted. It is a thing of pride to be directed by her in this huge magnum opus called Emergency. I am happy and delighted. Best wishes for the entire team. It’s time for Emergency.”
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Emergency is written and directed by Kangana Ranaut. The film is produced by Renu Pitti and Kangana Ranaut. The screenplay and dialogues are by Ritesh Shah.