New Delhi: Bollywood actor Ajay Devgan is busy these days in the promotion of his upcoming film Drishyam 2. Last week, Ajay Devgn and Tabu graced the stage of dance reality show ‘Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10. They came to promote their upcoming movie ‘Drishyam 2. During a fun task, host Maniesh Paul asked the actors reveal each other’s secrets.
Maniesh Paul asked Tabu, what in the world is Ajay Devgn most afraid of? Tabu said- ‘Closed spaces’. At the same time, Ajay Devgan told ‘cockroach’. However, he also agreed to Tabu’s answer. Everyone laughs at Ajay Devgan’s cockroach reply. Ajay says, “I am not so scared of any other animal.”
Drishyam 2 trailer
On the other hand, when Maniesh asks Ajay Devgan, what quality does Tabu want in her boyfriend. The actress said, “I don’t even know myself.” At the same time, Ajay Devgan’s answer blew everyone’s senses. He told that Tabu likes ‘bald boys’. Not only this, he also reminded Tabu of her college days and teased her. It seems that there was such a person in Tabu’s life. On the other hand, when it comes to Ajay Devgan’s crush in college, Tabu says that Ajay never went to college.
About the film
Drishyam 2 is a sequel to to Nishikant Kamat’s hit thriller from 2017. The movie features Ajay Devgn, Tabu and Akshaye Khanna in the lead roles. The makers of Ajay Devgn and Tabu starrer have released its much awaited trailer on October 17.
Directed by Abhishek Patha, the movie has been produced by T-series and Panorama Studios. The film also stars Shriya Saran and Ishita Dutt in pivotal roles. Drishyam 2 will be released in theatres on November 18.