New Delhi: Bollywood diva Deepika Padukone will be joining Rohit Shetty’s cop universe with his upcoming movie Singham Again, the filmmaker said on Thursday. The actor-director duo have previously worked on 2019’s action comedy Chennai Express and recently teamed for the song Current Laga from Shetty’s next endeavour Cirkus, headed by Ranveer Singh.
At the premiere of the unique track, in which she appears alongside her spouse Singh, the director revealed Padukone’s casting.
During his media interaction, Rohit Shetty said, “Everybody keeps asking me when I’ll introduce Lady Singham. So, here it is. Deepika Padukone will be the Lady Singham in Singham Again. She is my lady bomb from the cop universe, and we’re going to start working together on it next year.”
#DeepikaPadukone shows off her cop walk at the #CurrentLagaRe song launch 😎
— pooja darade (@ipoojadarade) December 8, 2022
Meanwhile Ranveer Singh said, “When we come together on set, I have a lot of fun. You have to cherish those moments when you have a co-actor that you can trust. The one, who you know is not going to play one-upmanship, and it becomes a collaborative effort. There is a give and take. Trust is indeed a foundation of good chemistry between co-actors.”
Deepika Padukone, on the other hand said, she and her husband Ranveer believe in being professional on sets.
She said, “On set we don’t think that we’re husband and wife. As actors, the minute the camera comes on, we’re thinking of our characters.”
Ajay Devgn stars in the third instalment of the Singham series, Singham Again. Working with real-life partner and frequent co-star Padukone is a lot of fun, says Ranveer Singh, who is also a part of the cop world as Simmba.
Meanwhile,The makers of Ranveer Singh, Pooja Hegde, and Jacqueline Fernandez starrer Cirkus, has released its first song Current Laga Re. The song that dropped on December 8, surprised everyone with Deepika Padukone’s cameo and dance moves.
The song is an upbeat track. Moreover, Deepika and Ranveer’s onscreen chemistry and dancing prowess added extra energy to the mood of the song.