It has been over two months since the contestants were locked inside the Bigg Boss 18 house. The show has seen a range of dynamics from catfights and physical altercations to verbal spats among the housemates. Now, a new bond appears to be forming between wildcards Edin Rose and Yamini Malhotra.
Edin And Yamini Malhotra Plan To Challenge Housemates
A recent promo clip released by the makers reveals the two discussing how other housemates view them as weak competition. Edin Rose tells Yamini, “They’ve underestimated us.” To this, Yamini reacts, “Because we weren’t on the same page. They were trying to break us by swaying our opinions.”
Rose goes on to explain, “They make fun of our feelings, and when we cry, they say, ‘Why should we check up on you?’ What kind of friendship is this? It’s time to make them cry, bro.”
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The two discuss their desire to play the game strategically, especially as Kashish Kapoor from Splitsvilla X5 fame comments, “You don’t need to fight with outsiders. Don’t engage with any other group. Why give them importance?”
Kashish elaborates on how changes in housemate equations have led to multiple issues within the house. The caption of the promo reads, “Bigg Boss ke ghar mein ho rahi hai Wild Cards ki reunion. Kya yeh alliance tik paayega?”
Have A Look At The Promo: –
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