New Delhi: Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are awaiting their first baby. On Wednesday, soon-to-be-mom Alia Bhatt received a grand baby shower from her extended family. Earlier the day, mom-in-law Neetu Kapoor, sister-in-law Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Karisma Kapoor, and Ranbir’s grandmother Neila Devi were spotted arriving for the ceremony.
The baby shower took place at Ranbir-Alia’s Vastu in Bandra. The ceremony was an intimate affair with close friends and family.
Now taking to her Instagram story, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni has shared some inside pictures from the baby shower.
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See Riddhima’s post here
Sharing the posts, she captioned, “Mom-to-be,” “Daddy-to-be.” In the pictures, Riddhima sported a light pink salwar suit and Alia wore a yellow outfit and was adorned with jewellery.
On the other hand, Ranbir looked handsome peach kurta with thread embroidery and a white pajama.
Meanwhile, several videos of Alia Bhatt’s baby shower guests have surfaced online. Neetu Kapoor attended the event with her daughter Riddhima. They both looked stunning in their ethnic clothes. Mahesh Bhatt, Alia’s father, was also seen arriving at Vastu.
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Alia had recently shared how she and Ranbir plan to divide their duties as parents. Speaking to CNBC, Alia said, “I think the journey of discovery will begin once the baby comes. Definitely the intention is to share, as that’s most important. Ranbir is very happy. He said, ‘Baby you work from this month, so I’ll take time off, and then I come back, and you take time off.’ We just keep taking time off. He is very happy to share that responsibility. He recently said in an interview that he has a ‘big responsibility on his head, and that is to send me (Alia) back to work as the movies will complain if I don’t do my bit as the parent.’”
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor tied the knot on April 14 this year. They announced their pregnancy in July. The couple, on the work front, were recently seen in Brahamstra.