Murder in Agra: A horrifying case has come to light in Agra district of Uttar Pradesh where a neighbor killed a 6 year old girl. The neighbour was angry the girl used the money he gave to buy chips instead of pan masala that he had asked for. The police have recovered dead body of the minor. The accused had given him Rs 20.
After killing the girl, the accused had put the body in a sack for dismemberment. He was about to throw the body somewhere but the police caught him on Tuesday night and recovered the body before that.
The police also arrested the accused. Meanwhile, two brothers of the accused have been detained for questioning.
CCTV footage led police to the accused
Police said that the girl had gone missing from Aligarh Colony on Tuesday morning. The family members searched for her thoroughly, but could not find. After which her family members lodged a missing report at Kotwali police station.
The police had searched the surrounding CCTV cameras. After which, the accused came under suspicion. When the police searched the house of the accused, the body of the girl was recovered. The accused confessed that he had murdered the girl. SP City Mrigank Shekhar Pathak said that the accused had given the girl Rs 20 and sent her to buy pana masala.
The accused was trying to throw the dead body
The accused lost his temper over this and killed the girl. After this, an attempt was made to dispose of the dead body by placing it in a sack. But when the girl did not arrive, the family informed the police. After which the accused could not throw the dead body. The police are still waiting for the post mortem report. Only after which further action will be taken. At present the accused has been arrested.