New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh alleged that the Enforcement Directorate (ED) raided the premises of his associates on Wednesday in connection with the Delhi Liquor Policy case. Sanjay Singh alleged that the probe agency raided Sarvesh Mishra’s premises at Vithalbhai Patel House in Delhi.
Sanjay Singh has alleged that the Delhi government’s excise policy for 2021–22 for granting licences to liquor traders favoured some dealers who allegedly paid bribes for it, a charge strongly denied by the AAP.
#WATCH आज सुबह पता चला कि मेरे सहयोगियों (अजीत त्यागी और सर्वेश मिश्रा) के घर पर छापेमारी चल रही है तो मैं ईडी को बताना चाहता हूं कि मैं न झुकूंगा न रूकूंगा। हम मोदी सरकार के इस हथकंडे के सामने कोई भी समझौता नहीं करने वाले हैं, हम आपसे लड़ेंगे और पूरे देश के सामने ईडी का किसी…
— ANI_HindiNews (@AHindinews) May 24, 2023
Sanjay Singh, present in Mumbai, said that this morning he came to know that raids are going on at the houses of my colleagues (Ajit Tyagi and Sarvesh Mishra), so I want to tell the ED that I will neither bow down nor stop. We are not going to compromise in front of this gimmick of the Modi government; we will fight with you and expose the misuse of ED in front of the whole country.
मोदी की दादागिरी चरम पर है।
मैं मोदी की तानाशाही के ख़िलाफ़ लड़ रहा हूँ।
ED की फर्जी जाँच को पूरे देश के सामने उजागर किया।
ED ने मुझसे गलती मानी।
जब कुछ नही मिला तो आज मेरे सहयोगियों अजीत त्यागी और सर्वेश मिश्रा के घर ED ने छापा मारा है।
सर्वेश के पिता कैंसर से पीड़ित हैं ये…— Sanjay Singh AAP (@SanjayAzadSln) May 24, 2023
In another tweet, Sanjay Singh said that Modi’s bullying is at its peak. I am fighting against Modi’s dictatorship. The fake investigation into ED was exposed in front of the whole country. ED accepted my mistake. When nothing was found, today the ED raided the house of my colleagues Ajit Tyagi and Sarvesh Mishra. Sarvesh’s father is suffering from cancer; this is the end of the crime. No matter how much crime you commit, the fight will continue.