A heartbreaking incident has occurred in Delhi, where Puneet Khurana, a 40-year-old bakery owner, died by suicide on New Year’s Eve. Following his tragic death, CCTV footage showing a heated argument between him and his wife, Manika Pahwa, has gone viral online. Puneet was found dead at his home in the Kalyan Vihar area, and his family claims he had been facing harassment from his wife and her family.
Details Of The Incident
Puneet Khurana co-owned a bakery called “For God’s Cake” with his wife. The couple was going through a difficult divorce, which reportedly led to frequent disputes. His family alleges that Manika and her relatives subjected him to constant mental torture. They are now demanding justice for Puneet, and the police have seized his phone as part of their investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death.
The viral video begins with Puneet and Manika sitting across from each other in an empty room, engaged in a tense argument. As the exchange becomes more heated, Manika accuses Puneet of ruining her life and threatens to reveal personal information about his relatives.
“In the CCTV, it’s clearly seen how rudely and abusively the girl is speaking and Puneet was a decent person. Tell me, where will you find such boys today who don’t react? This is the difference in values, the values our children had, and the values their children have…” said Puneet’s cousin brother, Jitendra Khurana.
#PuneetKhurana did not commit suicide just because being humiliated on a late night phone call by his wife. This harassment and extortion was going on since long. Suicide is never easy. Suicide is never a choice for anyone. Its the extreme helplessness which turns people… pic.twitter.com/ip69yCS4Bd
— NCMIndia Council For Men Affairs (@NCMIndiaa) January 1, 2025
Additional Videos And Family Claims
Another video has surfaced showing Puneet chatting with his father-in-law, Jagdish Pahwa. In this clip, they discuss a financial offer related to their house. However, later on, his father-in-law allegedly went back on this agreement. Puneet’s family states that he was under constant pressure from such issues.
“For a year, they [Khurana and Pahwa] were fine, but after that, there were frequent issues between the two of them. I even separated them at one point, thinking it would bring them happiness. But even then, she continued to torture my child. My son quietly endured it all,” Puneet’s mother told ANI.
She pleaded for justice for her son, explaining that he never spoke openly about his troubles to avoid burdening his parents. “Sometimes it was about money, sometimes about their joint business, and other times family matters… He kept swallowing his sorrow and pain silently,” she added.
Allegations Against Manika Pahwa
Khurana’s family claims that he recorded a 59-minute video before his death detailing the harassment he faced from Manika. They also allege that she hacked into his social media accounts. “Manika Pahwa, along with her sister and parents, subjected Puneet to relentless mental torture and harassment,” claimed Puneet’s sister.
This tragic case highlights serious issues regarding mental health and domestic abuse. As investigations continue, many are calling for greater awareness and support for individuals facing similar situations.