New Delhi: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will now monitor the available water and its supply in Delhi. The Chief Minister aims to save every drop of water by stopping wastage so that clean and sufficient drinking water can be provided to the people of Delhi. The Chief Minister has directed the Delhi Jal Board to provide daily data on water produced from the water treatment plant and water reaching the tap and primary UGR from WTP.
In the first phase, 500 RO plants will be set up along with tube wells to provide adequate drinking water in water-scarce areas including unauthorized colonies. DJB has so far identified land for 471 RO plants. It is planned that RF ID cards will be issued to the people to take water from the RO plant. CM Kejriwal has directed the officials to expedite the disposal of pending cases related to land for the installation of tubewells and RO plants. During this, CM Arvind Kejriwal said that providing ample and clean water to the people of Delhi is our priority. We have to use every drop of water.
Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who is serious about providing adequate clean water to the people of Delhi, once again held a marathon meeting with all the concerned departments including the Delhi Jal Board on Monday.
This was the fourth review meeting of CM Kejriwal in the last month and a half. During this, issues related to the monitoring of water produced daily in Delhi, transporting treated water to parks, and installation of RO plants and land for tube wells and RO plants were discussed in detail and the Chief Minister gave necessary guidelines to the officials. Water Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj, CEO of Delhi Jal Board, DISUB, MCD, Forest Department and senior officers of all concerned departments were present in the meeting.
In the review meeting, CM Arvind Kejriwal laid maximum emphasis on the water being produced in Delhi and its supply. The CM took complete information about the total water produced and its supply in Delhi from the Delhi Jal Board and said that now he would monitor the production and supply of water daily. CM Arvind Kejriwal told Delhi Jal Board that from tomorrow I want data on the daily production and supply of water. CM has directed DJB to provide daily data on water produced from the water treatment plant, from WTP to tapping and from tapping to primary UGR.
Delhi Jal Board will have to provide all this data daily to the Chief Minister on WhatsApp. The Chief Minister himself would see daily how much water is being produced from the water treatment plant and how much water is being saved till it reaches the primary UGR. If there is leakage or theft of water somewhere, the Chief Minister himself will be able to take cognizance and give necessary instructions to the concerned officer.
During this, CM Arvind Kejriwal also inquired about the progress of the action being taken by the Delhi Jal Board to provide land for tube wells and RO plants being set up at various places. Officials told that land has been received from some departments for this, while the process of negotiation is going on with the departments which have not received the land yet and will get the land soon. On this, the CM directed to settle all the pending land cases within a fixed time limit.
Officials told Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal that work is going on fast to increase the capacity of all the sewage treatment plants (STPs) of Delhi Jal Board. Officials have assured that by next year the capacity of the STP will be increased to 950 MGD.
The Chief Minister has directed the Delhi Jal Board to prepare a plan on how to use the treated water from each STP. Although Delhi Jal Board has made a plan regarding the use of treated water from STP, but now it will further improve it so that 100 per cent of treated water can be used. During this, the CM directed that all the parks around the STP should be given water through the pipeline. At the same time, a study will be done regarding the park and green land located away from the STP. If possible, treated water will be given by laying a pipeline there too.
At the same time, CM Arvind Kejriwal directed the CEO of the Delhi Jal Board to talk to DDA regarding the pending permission for tubewells. Along with this, the DDA has also been instructed to take the pending permission of water bodies and lakes soon. Wherever tube wells are being installed on a large scale in Delhi and lakes are being made, big RO plants will be set up as per the requirement. Apart from this, small RO plants will also be set up as per the requirement. It is also called the community RO plant.
Delhi Jal Board informed that so far 471 locations have been identified under the first phase for the installation of small ROs. Appreciating the efforts of the department, the Chief Minister directed that the RO plant should be set up at the earliest after taking permission from the department to which the identified land belongs. The CM also reviewed the financial model of these RO plants and directed to ensure a corruption-free system in the water supply. The CM also directed to ensure that adequate checks and balances are put in place so that there is no theft of water. On the tender process, the CM said that if there are 1000 consumers, instead of 10 thousand, take out a tender of 1200 capacity.
During this, DJB officials told that water shortage areas including unauthorized colonies
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