Noida: In a chilling incident, a young man from Noida fell prey to cybercriminals after receiving an unexpected video call. The nefarious perpetrators ensnared him and extorted a staggering sum of Rs 2 lakh by menacingly threatening to expose explicit photos of him on YouTube. Shockingly, even after extracting this hefty amount, the accused remained unrelenting, relentlessly pressuring the victim for more money. Distraught and desperate, the victim lodged a complaint with the Noida Sector 49 police station, initiating a thorough investigation into the matter.
WhatsApp intrusion
The victim, identified as Anil Kumar from Sector 51, recounted the distressing incident to the Sector 49 police station. He revealed that a few nights ago, he received an unsolicited video call on his WhatsApp from an unfamiliar number. Curiosity getting the better of him, he answered the call, only to be greeted by a woman who initiated a lewd conversation. To his horror, during the video call, the woman proceeded to undress. Panicking, he promptly disconnected the call.
A terrifying turn of events
Days later, the nightmare took a sinister turn when Anil received a call from an unknown individual. Claiming possession of Anil’s explicit photograph, the caller threatened to upload it to YouTube unless a hefty fee was paid. To further exacerbate the victim’s distress, another caller, posing as an officer from the Delhi Crime Branch, dialed his number. This imposter intensified the threats, asserting that the incriminating photo had already been uploaded, and failure to remove it would result in an imminent arrest warrant.
Extortion racket unveiled
Overwhelmed by fear and intimidation, Anil succumbed to the relentless pressure and transferred two lakh rupees into the criminal’s account. Yet, shockingly, the extortionists continued their relentless demands for more money. The victim’s complaint has prompted the police to launch a formal investigation into this harrowing case of cyber extortion.