New Delhi: Amrita School, located in Pushp Vihar, Delhi, received a bomb threat through email on Tuesday morning. After getting information about the matter, the police and the bomb disposal team reached the school and got involved in the investigation.
Soon after getting the information, Delhi Police and the team reached the school and launched a massive search operation.
#UPDATE | The school has been thoroughly checked through BDT (Bomb Disposal Team) and nothing has been found: Chandan Chowdhary, Deputy Commissioner of Police, South Delhi
(file pic)
— ANI (@ANI) May 16, 2023
DCP South Chandan Chowdhary said, “A thorough investigation of the school was done through the Bomb Disposal Team (BDT), but nothing was found.”
Earlier on May 12, a bomb threat was received at Delhi Public School, Mathura Road, but nothing suspicious was found in the police investigation. According to DCP Rajesh Dev, the police and bomb disposal squad reached the school. It was later learned that the email was sent on behalf of a student. Two bomb disposal teams searched the school with dogs and local staff, but nothing suspicious was found; it was a hoax call.