New Delhi: A heart-wrenching incident has come to light in Indore, Madhya Pradesh. At night, a two-year-old girl sleeping next to her mother was taken away by her own father’s friend. He raped her and then ran away leaving her in an degraded condition. Not seeing the girl, the parents immediately complained to the police and after some time the girl was found on the road. Within five hours the accused was also caught.
What happened with the girl?
The incident is from Sirpur area of Indore. At around 2 o’clock in the night, the truck driver Dinesh Dabur (age 38 years) took the innocent with him. Took him five-six kilometers away from the truck itself.
Then after raping her, she was thrown on the roadside in an impotent condition. The police arrested Dinesh within five hours. A case has been registered against him under sections 363, 366, 376A, B and POCSO Act.
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Accused caught through vehicle number
The girl’s father works as a watchman in an under-construction house. When his wife woke up at around two o’clock in the night, she saw that the child was not there. She started making noise. Both of them searched for him around.
If not found, then complained to Chandan Nagar police station. When the police continued the investigation, the girl was found near Reetmandi. The video footage showed a truck coming and going within 15 minutes. The truck owner was called from his number. The owner called the driver at Footi Kothi intersection and there the police arrested Dinesh.
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The accused was fearless even after the incident
Dinesh Dabur used to park the truck near the victim’s house in Indore. He also had to visit the victim’s house. He picked up the girl and took her with him in the truck. He was fearless even when the owner called. He felt that he would not be caught. The girl must have died too. Then he reached Futi Kothi, where the police arrested him.
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