A woman in Bengaluru jumped out of a moving auto-rickshaw to escape from a drunk driver on Thursday. The incident happened when she booked an auto from Horamavu to Thanisandra. Her husband shared the story on social media platform X, explaining that the driver was drunk and started driving in the wrong direction.
Despite the woman’s repeated requests for the driver to stop, he continued driving toward Hebbal, which made her feel unsafe. This forced her to take the drastic step of jumping out of the moving auto to protect herself.
Her husband wrote, “Namma Yatri Auto Issue! My wife booked an auto from Horamavu to Thanisandra, Bangalore, but the driver was drunk and took her towards the wrong location near Hebbal. Despite repeatedly asking him to stop, he didn’t listen, forcing her to jump out of the moving auto.”
Namma Yatri Auto Issue!
My wife booked a auto from Horamavu to Thanisandra, Bangalore, but the driver was drunk and took her towards the wrong location near Hebbal. Despite repeatedly asking him to stop, he didn’t listen, forcing her to jump out of the moving auto. pic.twitter.com/qAulNu3yc9---Advertisement---— Azhar Khan (@AzharKh35261609) January 2, 2025
He also pointed out that the auto service, Namma Yatri, lacks an emergency helpline number. He expressed his frustration, saying, “The biggest shortcoming of ‘Namma Yatri’ service is that there is no customer support. It asks us to “wait for 24 hours.” How is it possible to wait 24 hours in an emergency? How is the safety of the woman?”
The husband urged Bengaluru police to take his complaint seriously and take action against the driver. The police responded quickly, saying, “Hi Azhar, we’re sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused to your wife, and we hope she’s doing fine now. Please DM us the ride details, and we’ll make sure to look into this promptly.”
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