In a shocking incident, a 34-year-old man from Uttar Pradesh was found dead at his residence in Bengaluru’s Marathahalli. The incident was reported on Monday and as per reports the man died by hanging himself from the ceiling. The deceased, identified as Atul Subhash worked for a private firm in Bengaluru. He has left behind a 24-page death note in which he has alleged harassment by his wife and her relatives.
The incident took place in the Manjunath Layout area. According to the police, Subhash was living alone and had marital disputes with his wife. Preliminary investigations revealed that his wife had already filed a complaint against him in Uttar Pradesh.
Reportedly, Subhash emailed his death note to several people and shared it in the WhatsApp group of NGO he was associated with.
Justice Is Due
Not only did he share the death note, but he also hung a placard in his house that read ‘Justice is Due.’ He also pasted a note on a cupboard that mentioned details about his death note, vehicle keys, and a list of completed and pending tasks.
In his death note, he detailed the harassment, extortion, and corruption he endured from his wife and her family, along with a gift he left for his four-year-old son.
#AtulSubhash last wish.
— ॐ भारत ॐ 🇮🇳 (@_dharam_vir) December 9, 2024
A senior police officer said that a case will be registered in connection with the death once his family files a complaint. However, a detailed investigation is underway.
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