Mumbai taxi fare: According to a road transport official, prepaid black and yellow cab rides from Mumbai’s international and domestic airports have increased in price after the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Transport Authority (MMRTA) announced the increase on Friday. The minimum prepaid cab charge up to 6 km from the international terminal is Rs 140, while the minimum fee up to 4 km from the domestic terminal is Rs 93.
According to him, the MMRTA recently met and voted to raise fares for black and yellow cabs and autos in Maharashtra in accordance with the four-member Khatua Panel’s recommendations.
New taxi prices
Prior to this change, the cheapest fare from an international terminal was Rs 127, and the cheapest fare from a domestic terminal was Rs 85. According to the findings of the panel, the prepaid taxi charge includes a 25% incentive up to 12 kilometres and a 20% incentive up to 4 kilometres, according to the official. Prepaid taxi rides up to 6 kilometres in length cost Rs 140, while rides up to 4 kilometres in length cost Rs 93.
Furthermore, the MMRTA has approved a stage carriage licence for 2,000 buses, which, according to a source, will allow the Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) to run more buses and improve service.
He also revealed that the government had authorised 92 new taxi and autorickshaw stands in the Mumbai Metropolitan Area. This network includes 73 autorickshaws, 9 taxi stands, 7 shared autorickshaws, and 3 shared taxi stands, according to him.
In September, the MMRTA raised the minimum rate for black and yellow cabs, as well as auto rickshaws, by 3 and 2 rupees, respectively. The minimum fare for a 1.5-kilometer journey in black and yellow taxis is now 28, while the fare for an auto rickshaw journey is now 23.