Mukesh Ambani-led Jio has reportedly launched ‘JioSoundPay’, a new feature for its JioBharat device, aimed at helping small businesses and merchants across India. Moreover, ‘JioSoundPay’ provides instant audio confirmations in multiple languages for UPI payments, making transactions easier and more efficient for small businesses like kirana stores, street vendors, and roadside eateries.
“Existing small and micro merchants pay around INR 125 a month for a sound box. Now, with JioSoundPay being provided free, JioBharat users will save Rs 1,500 annually,” ET quoted an official. Notably, Reliance Jio regained its momentum in November, adding new wireless subscribers after a four-month decline. Meanwhile, BSNL’s four-month growth streak came to an end, with the company witnessing a loss in subscribers in November.
Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Idea also saw a decline in subscribers in November, as per the latest data released by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).
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