Tata has launched the all new Tata Tigor, the ex showroom price of the vehicle has been finalized at 5.99 lakh Rs. The car has been provided with new features and changes in certain variants. Since the engine specs remain the same the vehicle would have the same mileage as before.
The car is still powered by a 1.2 liter petrol engine, which has both a petrol as well as a CNG variant. The Tigor CNG would be priced at 7.70 lakh Rs. The car would be going against the likes of Maruti Suzuki Dezire as well as the Honda Amaze.
Exterior Design Changes
The 2025 Tata Tigor has had minimal changes, in the front end. The vehicle would now be available with a rear spoiler at the rear end of the car. While the alloy wheel looks similar to the older wheels, on close inspection you would be able to witness the minimal changes that the vehicle have received. The interior would have a new theme along with a illuminated steering wheel. The higher end models have been given a dual tone leather finish as well.
Pricing Of The Different Variants
The vehicles would be priced as follows, the Tigor XT would be priced at 6.70 lakh Rs- this variant would have steering mounted controls, Follow me home headlights, and many other features as well. The Xt CNG variant would be priced at around 7.70 lakh Rs ex. showroom. The top model of the Tigor has also been fitted with a 10.25 inch screen, 360degree safety camera. The XZ would be priced around 7.30 lakh Rs, the car would have LED headlamps, 15 inch new wheels along with a wired android auto with apple car play. The XZ CNG variant would be priced at 8.30 Lakh Rs.
Tiago New Variants
Here is an in-depth look at the variants of the Tata Tiago that would soon be on sale.
Petrol- Variants | Prices |
XE: | Rs 4,99,990 |
XM: | Rs 5,69,990 |
XT | Rs 6,29,990 |
XZ | Rs 6,89,990 |
XZ NRG | Rs 7,19,990 |
XZ+ | Rs7,29,990 |
Beyond these Tata has also revealed about the prices of the CNG variants as well. Here are all of them Below
CNG- Variants | Prices |
XE CNG | Rs 5,99,990 |
XM CNG | Rs 6,69,990 |
XT CNG | Rs 7,29,990 |
XZ CNG | Rs 7,89,990 |
XZ NRG CNG | Rs 8,19,990 |