Tata has been gearing up to launch their Harrier EV in India the vehicle has been spotted testing several times. At one instance the vehicle was seen being tested on a race track as well. If Tata launches the Harrier EV with a new AWD setup, they would be the first manufacturer to do so in the Indian EV SUV segment. With the rising competition in the EV SUV segment Hyundai, and Mahindra have been preparing their own participants as well. Which vehicle would take the lead only time would tell.
As per the reports its possible that the Harrier EV might be powered by a 75kwh battery pack offering a range of about 500km. The car would have a AWD configuration- that would possible be provided only in a single trim level
As per the spy images that were witnessed the car would have a similar design as that of the ICE Tata Harrier. But its possible that vehicle would have a new front grill that is a go to feature of the EV’s.
As per the news report that was published by Auto BHP, the vehicle would have a Vehicle to Load as well as vehicle to vehicle charging capabilities.
Tata’s Acti EV Platform
The Harrier EV is to be developed on the same Acti.EV platform that Tata motors debuted with the Curvv EV. This platform would allow the vehicle to have a all wheel drive setup, which would become the key differentiating feature between Mahindra Xev93 which would soon offer the all wheel drive.
The Harrier EV would be launched at the Baharat Mobility Expo of 2025. While the pricing of the car is not available yet, its possible that the vehicle might be priced north of 20 lakh mark. This would make it a bit ore expensive than the Curvv Ev.
Tata Punch Facelift
Tata might soon give their Punch with a new facelift. The car was spotted testing several times Its possible that the new facelift might make the punch appear more like the EV version. Tata might give the car new connected LED DRL’s, with vertically stacked headlamps and new bumpers as well.
The car would also have a digital instrument cluster and a updated feature list and minor tweaks. The vehicle might be launched with new safety features such as 360 degree parking Camera, wireless charging and more. The car would soon be powered by the same 1.2 litre petrol engine under the Bonnet.
Tata Sierra EV– Possible Next Launch
Tata started mass producing the Older Sierra in 1991 in India. Tata has been in the talks of re-imagining and bringing a newer variant of the Sierra for a long time. But now it seems that the brand would launch a EV version of the vehicle first than a ICE variant later. The powertrain as well as the battery pack of the vehicle are still to be disclosed. As per the rendering of the vehicle it has been established that it would still have the iconic design cues of the original Tata Sierra. It would have a large glass area at the back as the older sierra did.
Future Of Tata
Tata has been a formidable force in the Indian market and hence its possible that the manufacturer might launch further new EV variants as well. Until now the Punch ,the Tigor EV and the Curvv EV have been doing well in the future more ICE variants of the car can be turned into EV versions. If you have been seeking a new EV vehicle we would recommend that you go for the Mahindra Be-6 Middle variant where you would have the ability to choose between two battery packs. Beyond that if you can wait the Harrier EV would be a formidable choice as well.