Maruti Suzuki recently introduced the new Swift in India, sparking anticipation for the upcoming release of the new Dzire. It is expected that the new model will feature many similarities to the Swift, from design to engine specifications. Additionally, Honda Cars India is gearing up to launch the facelifted version of its compact sedan, the Amaze, in India. Both cars are expected to undergo significant changes this time around. Let’s delve into the new and noteworthy features of the upcoming Amaze and Dzire models.
What Features Will New Swift Dzire Have
Maruti Suzuki plans to launch the next generation Dzire this year, a model that has been spotted numerous times during testing. The new model is expected to share the same engine as the one powering the new Swift. The upcoming engine, part of the Z series, promises both enhanced performance and improved mileage.
In addition to this, we anticipate several changes ranging from the exterior appearance to the interior of the vehicle. The base variant of the car will include safety features such as six airbags, an anti-lock braking system (ABS), and electronic brakeforce distribution (EBD). The interior of the new Dzire will boast advanced and premium elements compared to its predecessor. Expect to find features like touchscreen infotainment, a sunroof, and HVAC control in it.
If you’re eagerly anticipating Honda’s new Amaze, there’s great news for you. The facelifted version of the Amaze is set for launch this year. The car will feature a completely redesigned exterior and will be equipped with a 1.2L petrol engine. The new Amaze is expected to hit the market by the year’s end. In terms of safety, the base model will come with six airbags, an anti-lock braking system (ABS), and electronic brakeforce distribution (EBD).
However, the question now arises about the declining popularity of compact sedan cars in India, as people are increasingly shifting towards compact SUVs. Sedan cars offer comfort and ample boot space, but SUVs provide a superior driving experience.
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