New Delhi: Mahindra’s interest in electric cars is not hidden from anyone. Recently, the company has announced an investment of Rs 10,000 crore. It will be used to make the all-new BE series and XUV based electric cars. The Indian Auto Company introduced five electric cars in the UK last year. Of these, three were “Born Electric” and two were the electric version of the XUV. The company will first introduce the XUV e.8 or say the XUV800, which is the electric version of the XUV700. Recently the same car has been spied testing.
The electric version of the Mahindra XUV700 has been seen with a satin copper shade. The auto company uses this color for XUV based electric cars. Earlier, a similar shade was used as an accent color on the XUV.e8 prototype. It was showcased in the UK last year.
Mahindra XUV700 EV: Triple display instead of dual
There are some changes between the petrol-diesel version of the XUV700 and the electric version. These changes will be similar to what we see between the XUV300 and the XUV400. In the interior, instead of dual display setup in the current XUV700, triple display setup can be seen in the upcoming electric SUV.
The triple display setup was first showcased in the prototype of the XUV.e8. One of these displays will be the driver’s instrumentation, while the second will be for the infotainment system and the third for the front passenger.
Electric SUV to be built on INGLO platform
Mahindra’s electric car will be developed on the INGLO platform. This is a new electric platform. Mahindra said that battery packs of up to 60kWh and 80kWh will be used in the upcoming electric SUV.
Mahindra has partnered with European auto manufacturer Volkswagen for the INGLO platform. With this partnership, Mahindra will produce 1 million vehicles on the platform.