Actor Ajith Kumar has become the subject of headlines due to his horrific accident recently. But that did not become the end of actors racing Ambitions. In a recent update the actor Ajith kumar’s racing team scored a few wins in Dubai 24 hr Endurance races and celebrated by waving the National Flag after the race.
Ajith was an official race car driver as well as the Owner of the team he participated with. In a recent post the team had posted about how the actor would take on a dual role, of being a driver as well as the owner of the Race Team. A Racing Team comprises of many professionals and the actor must have been busy with the managing duties as well as the racing duties of the team.
The previous posts that were published by the actor’s team depicted his dual wins a 3rd place in the 991 category and the spirit of the race in the gt4 category. The team further rejoiced in the comeback of the actor who went through a horrendous accident recently before the race.
Celebrations For The Actor
The actor went into full celebration mode as soon as the results became evident. A variety of videos have been doing rounds over the internet where the actor is seen celebrating with joy.
The teams win has been a result of profound efforts from Ajith, Fabian Duffieux, Cameron Mcleod and Mathieu Detry. While Actor Ajith has been in the limelight, the other racecar drivers showcased resilience and profound skills on the track as well. Social Media Users have been commenting about how the pace of Cameron Mcleod was pretty spectacular all throughout the race.
The actor has been praised for his his passion for racing that remained intact even after a horrendous accident at the track. The team confirmed in a post that the accident had been a result of brake failure while racing.
The actor has been receiving praises left right and center. Actor R Madhavan who was present when the race was going on rejoiced in the actors celebrations as well.
Ajith’s History As a Racecar Driver
Actor Ajith is veteran in Racing he has previously participated in events like Formula BMW Asia, British Formula 3 and FIA F2 championships. We were sure about how such crashes would not impact the will of the passionate Ajith Even Slightly. And same has been reflected by the driver’s will to keep on racing and attending to the teams need as a owner
Racing in endurance races takes extraneous toll on the body, and its the commendable spirit of the racer in Ajith that has led him to keep on acing after such a horrendous crash. As per stats a driver can loose close to 2.5 l of fluid from their body while driving fast around the tracks. This equates to about 3 kg of body mass. While the other race car drivers in his team are younger, for Ajith to be doing this at 53 years of age is a true reflection of commitment, hard work and passion for racing.
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