Mahindra recently unveiled their new electric vehicles that are about to be launched in India. The year has already been massive hit for Mahindra with the already successful launch of the 5 door Mahindra Thar Roxx. As the year is about to end its becoming much more clear as to what new cars Mahindra might launch in 2025.
Mahindra BE-6
The vehicle has already been in the news due to its name and the issues Mahindra ran into with the Indigo airlines while naming it. No information has been released as of yet about the higher variants and pricing, but Mahindra would soon reveal the same in the Bharat Mobility Expo in 2025 January. As per the official word from the manufacturer the bookings of the vehicle would start in January and the deliveries would begin in February. As of yet its clear that the BE-6 would be offered with a 59kwh unit and a 79 kwh unit battery pack as well. The 59 kwh battery would provide about 228 bhp while the other 79 kwh battery pack would offer about 281 bhp. The starting price as of yet has been Rs 18.90 lakhs.
This variant of the Mahindra EV clan would be revealed next month in the Mobility expo expo next month. As per the details of the vehicle it would be powered by the same battery packs that power the BE-6. As of yet Mahindra would be launching the vehicle with a RWD set up , but a AWD version would soon follow. The starting price of the XEV 9E would be around Rs21.90 lakhs.
Mahindra’s XUV 3XO has been a success in the Indian market, and soon Mahindra would bring to the market its ICE version as well. The camouflaged version of the vehicle has been witnessed being tested a few times on different highways as well. This vehicle would have updates and advancements that were not seen on the XUV 400 EV as well.
Its possible that the ICE version would have different design cues that would make it a bit more captivating for the Indian audiences. The car is supposed to be launched in the first quarter of 2025.
XUV 700 face lift
The XUV 700 has been in the Indian market for more than 3 years and hence its due for a facelift. The car is expected to undergo cosmetic changes that would help it look better amongst the competitors that have recently joined the market. As per the news the car would continue to get petrol as well as diesel options with manual and automatic transmission options. These were only some of the vehicles that Mahindra would be launching in 2025, as there could be a few more launches in the second part of the year as well.
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