New Delhi: A piece of shocking news has come from Newyork and Connecticut reported by health officials that three people have died after coming into contact with Vibrio vulnificus bacteria.
Out of the three people, two people have died, which is suspected that they must have gotten infected with the bacteria after swimming in salt or brackish water in the Long Island Sound with an open injury. The remaining one person was hospitalised but has not died, contacted the bacteria after eating raw oysters from outside the state.
Vibrio vulnificus
A type of bacteria that enters into an individual’s body after they have consumed uncooked or undercooked shellfish. In addition, open wounds have the tendency to get affected by it. The bacteria causes a form of illness vibriosis leading to sepsis, shock and large, spreading blisters that tear down tissues. If the condition is left untreated, it can cause serious fatalities.
Health authorities from both states are actively warning residents and providers to be ultra cautious of the possibility of vibriosis. It has been told to residents to be extra careful while swimming in open sea waters and eating raw seafood.
It is approximated that vibriosis causes 8,00,000 illnesses and around 100 deaths in the United States every year. The cases of people getting infected by it are generally reported between May and October.
On the other front, the infection poses a threat to almost every individual but those with weakened immune systems, liver disease or who are on medication to lower stomach acid levels are at more risk of getting it.
Symptoms of Vibriosis
According to one such health professional, a person infected can have some gastrointestinal symptoms that typically stay for 24 hours of eating contaminated food and can last approximately three days.
The other symptoms include:
- Watery diarrhoea
- Abdominal cramping
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fever and chills
The symptoms of a wound infected by the Vibrio vulnificus bacteria include:
- Fever
- Redness
- Pain
- Swelling
- Warmth
- Discolouration
- Discharge
The infection can be deadly if the person has eaten uncooked seafood. However, the damage caused by the infection can be reduced by staying out of saltwater or brackish water (a mix of fresh and saltwater). Also, if you have any kind of open wounds such as piercings, tattoos or surgeries and wish to swim in saltwater or brackish water with an open wound, covering the wound with a waterproof bandage is a must.